*Warning Spoilers*
So, I went to the midnight showing of Sex and the City 2 last night. I am going to admit upfront that I was extremely tired, and upon waking up this morning, I don't remember much of the movie. However, I do remember lots and lots of Halston Heritage.
Let it be said that I am one of those girls who adores chick flicks, and that for the most part men think my taste in movies is atrocious, but last night SATC2 seemed heavy on the glamor and pretty light on plot. All the men were pretty much absent, and Carrie wore a whole lot of Halston Heritage. Now, we all know that Sarah Jessica Parker designs for them, but I felt like it robbed the movie of so many other outfits Carrie could have been wearing besides the very simple (but pretty) dresses.
Charlotte's personality was clearly absent, Miranda's was pretty shallow as well, and if weren't for Samantha, I think this movie would have been pretty dull. I gasped louder over the broken Birkin bag than I did over Carrie's short kiss with Aiden. However, it was Samantha's scene when she screamed to a whole bunch of Arab men that "Yes! She has sex!" (cue thrusting motions) that won the performance for me.
Otherwise, it was pretty lackluster in substance, I don't think this could have been shot in New York. It needed the glitz and glam of Abu Dhabi to put the "sparkle" back in the movie.
Here's a look at some of the Halston outfits I remember.

(images from sexandthecity.com and monstersandcritics.com)